PCSX2 emulador


Este es un emulador de Sony PlayStation 2 para macOS.

Originally started in 2001 by two programmers PCSX2 (previously PCSX) is PS2 emulator available for Windows, Linux and macOS. It is open-source and free and anyone can jump in and improve the emulator. It offer many advantages over the classic PS2 console including improved HD graphics up to 4096x4096, options to save and load game states, full cheating system, ability to record game-plays and use controllers and options to increase and decrease game playing speed.

Parámetros Valores
Consola: PS2
Plataforma: macOS
Versión: 0.9.7
Nombre del Archivo: pcsx2_0.9.7.dmg
Tamaño del Archivo: 11929434
Descargas Totales: 7526
Página Principal: Enlace de Página
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