
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky

Pokemon player starts with one Pokemon and starts the search for another Pokemon who can catch with the Pokeball. After catching several pokemon you can train them and fight with them to win badges and your Pokemon to grow and become more strong.

Parameters Values
File Name: 4273 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (US)(XenoPhobia).7z
Console/System: NDS
Genre: Role-Playing
Filesize: 29.77MB
Region: Japanese
Year of release: 2008
Downloads: 90628

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky ROM Download for NDS 


No one has any clue about how many times they have seen Pokemon. Some people have gone on to the extent of reading all the Anime comic books to have all the information about the Pokemon world. But luckily for us, we not only get to read about the Pokemon Universe but actually get to play in it with the Help of Games based on Pokemon Stories. Out of some excellent games developed on the Pokemon world, we have a unique game with an engaging plot line called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Explorers of Sky.


This game is the fifth installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Sister game of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness. It has a similar plot line as the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness with few changes. Before the game starts, the player has to take a quiz which determines which Pokemon the player begins with. But certain characters are available to a specific gender. After the player has picked the Pokemon they choose, they choose partner Pokemon. 


Game Plot


The story of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- The sky's Explorers has the same description as Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness with only some alterations. After the player has selected Pokemon's character, the story starts with the Partner Pokemon trying to join the Wigglytuff's guild.


The player assumes role of a human who transforms into a Pokémon, whose type is controlled by a character test. An accomplice Pokémon is chosen who will consequently be alluded to as "the accomplice". The trial sets the player as one of the numerous qualities in the classic games, and two Pokémon is set according to that episode, one for male, one for female. 


When picked, the accomplice might be any of the above Pokémon, except for Pokémon of a similar sort of the player, Meowth, Skitty and Munchlax. Eevee, Machop, Cubone and Psyduck eliminates as starter Pokémon; however, Eevee was again made accessible in Explorers of the Sky. Riolu banters for a player Pokémon in Explorers of Time and Darkness, yet the thought drops in the long run, and Riolu is elected for the Explorers of Sky list.




  1. Four new starter Pokemon namely Phanpy, Vulpix, Riolu, and Shinx. 
  2. It has Five special episodes apart from the main storyline.
  3. Introduction of New place called Spanida's Cafe
  4. Recycle shop exchange of items
  5. Ds Download play let the user send demo of the game to their friends 


Best Emulator for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Explorers of Sky 


One has to download NDS Rom's on their computers and corresponding emulators too. Emulator runs the Rom's on your PC. 

Users of NDS can use emulators like:


Similar Games

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